Story At A Glance
A little known company named Brilliant Light Power has been developing a revolutionary hydrogen-based energy technology for the last 30 years.
The technology harnesses a reaction that catalyzes the transition of hydrogen to a lower-energy state. It releases roughly 200 times the energy of combusting hydrogen on a per atom basis. Think Fire 2.0.
This lower energy state has been dubbed “Hydrino” by Dr. Randell L. Mills, who theoretically predicted the state and experimentally verified its existence. He then founded Brilliant Light Power to commercialize Hydrino-based technology.
The dominant paradigm of physics says Hydrino can’t exist. The dominant paradigm is wrong. Scientific controversy and the challenges of harnessing an extraordinarily power-dense reaction previously unknown to science have kept the company off most people’s radar.
However, Brilliant Light Power now stands poised to upend the global economy and energy markets in unprecedented fashion and usher in a world of zero-carbon, zero-marginal cost, and zero-pollution energy production.
Their device, the SunCell, relies on the highly energetic Hydrino reaction. The SunCell is superior to all existing energy technologies on every metric.
This is the story of the most disruptive technology of the century…or perhaps ever. Hydrino is the future, and the future is Brilliant.
The Beginning
An enormous technological and scientific revolution is underway, although few are yet aware of it. The origins of this revolution are humble. It began over 30 years ago with one simple question: what is an electron? Despite that modest beginning, the answer to that question sparked a series of scientific discoveries and technological innovations that are set to profoundly reshape science and the global economy.
The mind behind those discoveries is the genius polymath Dr. Randell L. Mills, founder of the company Brilliant Light Power (BLP). The company is hard at work engineering a power generating device that will make all other forms of energy generation obsolete; more on this in a moment.
BLP is a Cranbury, NJ based company founded by Dr. Mills, a Harvard Medical School graduate. Dr. Mills grew up on a Pennsylvania farm and was an extremely precocious child. After high school, he attended Franklin & Marshall college and graduated with a chemistry degree with highest honors, winning numerous awards and accolades in the process by virtue of his academic prowess. Notably, he went on to collaborate for many years with his chemistry professor, Dr. John Farrell, who proclaimed him the best and brightest student Franklin & Marshall had ever seen.
He then attended Harvard Medical School (HMS), where he garnered top grades. His extraordinary intellect allowed him to complete most of the required coursework in 3 years, so he elected to spend what would have been his 4th year at HMS studying physics and electrical engineering under Professor Hermann Haus at MIT.1
While doing research with Professor Haus on free electron lasers for the Reagan administration’s Strategic Defense Initiative (informally known as the “Star Wars” program), Dr. Mills began to question the accepted explanation for the nature of the electron by standard quantum mechanics (SQM), the reigning paradigm of atomic scale physics, which discards the classical physical laws of Newtonian dynamics and Maxwell’s equations governing electromagnetism.
SQM instead models the bound electron as an infinitely small point particle that exists as a probability density function around the nucleus. Classical physical laws do not apply in this model. Dr. Mills found this mathematical description of the electron to be unintuitive and unsatisfying, and unable to provide insight into what an electron actually is in terms of physical principles. He is in good company, as Einstein also never fully accepted aspects of quantum mechanics.
Fatefully, Professor Haus handed Dr. Mills a paper inspired by their work on the free electron laser that used classical physical laws to model the radiation field of an accelerated point charge.2 To quote Dr. Mills: “If you’re going to make a laser out of free electrons, you ought to know what an electron is!” Dr. Mills decided to apply the same classical physics framework found in Haus’ paper to create a new model of the electron bound in an atom. Using Maxwell’s equations and Newtonian mechanics with reasoning from first principles, he developed the beginnings of a theory regarding the true nature of the electron.
Over the years, this theory would develop into what is now known as the Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUTCP). The theory’s basic proposition is an eminently reasonable one: the physical laws of the universe are the same on all scales. This theory overturns the reigning theory of SQM, which posits that the laws of the universe operative at the scales familiar to our everyday lives are not applicable at the atomic scale. Dr. Mills has supplied the world with a vast tract of compelling evidence that his theory is broadly correct and SQM is not.
Unfortunately, that evidence has gone largely ignored by the scientific community, due in large part to its wildly disruptive nature with respect to the physics status quo.
The GUTCP Hydrogen Atom
Dr. Mills’ atomic model is elegant in its simplicity. He contends that electrons bound to atoms are real, physical objects. Specifically, they are bubbles of negative charge that symmetrically surround the positively charged nucleus. Picture a soap bubble surrounding a pea and you’ll have a pretty accurate mental image for Dr. Mills’ model of the hydrogen atom, the simplest atomic system.
The following picture shows a simplified version of what this looks like. Note that this is not to scale: the proton is much, much smaller than the electron charge bubble.
The term “a0” in the picture refers to the Bohr radius, the distance between the electron and proton in a ground state hydrogen atom. The term “ground state” refers to the assumed lowest energy level possible in a given atomic system. According to SQM, it is not possible for the hydrogen atom to fall below the “ground state.”
There is additional nuance to Dr. Mills’ model of the electron regarding the pattern of surface currents on the electron that is beyond the scope of this article. However, the reader should note that his model correctly predicts all known experimental data, including the results of canonical experiments like the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
The Hydrino
Armed with this new framework of the atom, Dr. Mills made an interesting prediction about the hydrogen atom. Namely, that it may be possible to cause the orbit of the electron of the hydrogen atom to fall to levels below what SQM considers to be the “ground state” and shrink in size, releasing huge amounts of energy in the process. He dubbed this lower energy state of hydrogen “Hydrino.”
Experimental observations subsequently bore out Dr. Mills’ prediction.
Although much more powerful, the Hydrino reaction isn’t that far removed from fire in the sense that the source of the energy is fundamentally the same: the potential energy of electrons. The energy released by hydrogen combustion comes from a reduction in the total energy state of the electrons of the newly formed combustion product, a water molecule, as bond formation occurs between oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
The Hydrino reaction also liberates potential energy of electrons, but in a different way than combustion. In the Hydrino reaction, atomic (not molecular) hydrogen transfers a specific amount of energy (an integer multiple of 27.2 electron volts (eV), a commonly used unit of energy for atomic scale phenomena) to a catalyst species (a molecule, atom, or ion) capable of accepting that energy. Interestingly, isolated water molecules (meaning not bound to other water molecules, as typically found in nature), can serve as catalyst for the Hydrino reaction.
The energy transfer from atomic hydrogen to the catalyst ionizes the catalyst species and destabilizes the orbit of the hydrogen atom’s electron. The electron quickly spirals inward to a tighter orbit which is physically closer to the atom’s proton, releasing high energy continuum radiation as it does.
The Hydrino Ladder
There are multiple Hydrino states. An energy transfer of 27.2 eV by atomic hydrogen to a catalyst will catalyze the H(1/2) state, where the (1/2) refers to the fractional size of the Hydrino relative to ordinary ground state hydrogen.
An energy transfer of 2*27.2 eV will catalyze the H(1/3) state. H(1/3) is (1/3) the size of ordinary ground state hydrogen.
An energy transfer of 3*27.2 eV will catalyze the H(1/4) state, and so on.
According to Dr. Mills, the lowest Hydrino state possible is H(1/137).
This picture excerpted from Brett Holverstott’s excellent book Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy provides a good visualization of the different Hydrino states:
The transition of hydrogen to any of the Hydrino states is exponentially more powerful than ordinary exothermic reactions: dozens to thousands of times more powerful than hydrogen combustion, depending on which Hydrino state is catalyzed. The energy released from the transition of hydrogen to one of the Hydrino states scales as deeper Hydrino states are catalyzed.
Again, there is nothing mystical about the source of the energy. It is simply a liberation of some of the potential energy of the hydrogen atom’s electron into very energetic light. The further down the Hydrino ladder you go, the more energy released.
Hydrino Is The Identity Of Dark Matter
Dr. Mills has published extremely strong evidence that Hydrino, which is unable to absorb photons and emit light in the way that ordinary matter does (for reasons beyond the scope of this article), is ubiquitous in nature and the identity of the so-called dark matter of the universe.
Astronomical evidence indicates that 85% of the mass of the universe is dark matter, which is really just a fancy phrase for “we don’t know what this stuff is.” Hydrogen is estimated to comprise 75% of the 15% of known mass of the universe.
Stars have conditions that permit Hydrino formation and are composed primarily of hydrogen.
Given that hydrogen is the most abundant of the known elements and that stars are almost certainly Hydrino factories, the notion that dark matter is just another form of hydrogen is a fundamentally reasonable proposition.
A Perfect Power Source
The Hydrino reaction is perfectly suited for energy generation, to a degree that seems like science fiction, but which is in reality science fact. Realizing its commercial potential, Dr. Mills founded Brilliant Light Power. For the last 30 years, Dr. Mills and his team have been attempting to harness the Hydrino reaction in an energy generating device.
The current iteration of the device has been named the “SunCell.”
The characteristics of the Hydrino reaction are so favorable across all dimensions that, if successfully commercialized, the SunCell will inevitably outcompete all other forms of energy generation. This is a bold statement, but no bolder than a foresighted person in 1903, upon viewing the Wright Brothers’ first flight at Kitty Hawk, proclaiming that the airplane would inevitably outcompete the horse and buggy for distance travel. The fundamental characteristics of the Hydrino reaction are such that a functioning SunCell will be superior to all other forms of power on every metric, often by orders of magnitude.
The SunCell permits incredibly low-cost energy production. The bill of materials for the current electric SunCell prototype pencils out such that the levelized cost of electricity (a commonly used metric to make apples to apples comparisons across different energy technologies) will be less than $0.001 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The drivers of this incredibly low rate are:
The SunCell is composed of relatively inexpensive parts and will be easy to manufacture.
The fact that the only consumed input powering the Hydrino reaction is hydrogen, which can easily be created via electrolysis of water on the device.
Using the electrolysis of water to derive hydrogen for combustion isn’t a viable way to produce net energy. Electrolysis is the process of running an electric current through water to split the oxygen and hydrogen in every water molecule. It takes about twice as much energy as is provided from combustion of the resulting hydrogen.
“Paying” 2 units of energy to receive 1 unit in return is not a very good deal.
The electrolysis/combustion cycle instead functions much like a battery in that it can be used to store excess energy for use elsewhere, but does not itself produce any net power.
In contrast, because the Hydrino reaction is so energetic, water becomes a viable fuel source. You “pay” the 2 units of energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen via electrolysis, but then receive 200 units of energy through the hydrogen to Hydrino reaction, thus returning 100x on the energy investment.
That is a very good deal indeed.
The ubiquitous free fuel, complete lack of pollution or CO2 emissions, relative ease of catalyzing the Hydrino reaction, and decentralized nature of the SunCell, which negates the need for an expensive electrical grid, mean that the Hydrino-powered SunCell will inevitably outcompete all other forms of power generation.
Humanity is about to transition from the Age of Fire to the Age of Hydrino.
The Opposition
Very few people are paying attention to Dr. Mills’ progress. The scientists and believers of the dominant paradigm, SQM, scoff at Dr. Mills’ claims. They must, because he has direct and irrefutable experimental evidence that a core tenet of their theory is incorrect: the assertion that it is not possible for the hydrogen atom’s electron to shrink below the ground state. SQM defines the ground state of hydrogen mathematically based on known experimental data, without any physical principle underpinning that postulate.
History shows that the response to new paradigms isn’t always friendly. Here is an elegant visualization of some of the many scientists whose ideas were initially rejected, only to later be acknowledged as correct.
Psychological and sociological inertia within the scientific community often acts as a barrier to revolutionary change of the sort that Dr. Mills’ work heralds.
Even in light of opposition on theoretical grounds and the historical norm of new theories facing an uphill battle to gain acceptance, it remains puzzling that Dr. Mills hasn’t gotten more traction with Hydrino theory in the scientific community in light of the overwhelming amount of experimental evidence supplied by him over the past three decades. Richard Feynman noted the primacy of experiment over theory:
“If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.”
Mills has published extensively using a wide array of analytical techniques to demonstrate and characterize the Hydrino reaction. A full list of publications and reports can be found here.
Many of Dr. Mills’ experiments are straightforward and could be replicated by any well-equipped lab. This paper published in the Chinese Journal of Physics is particularly easy to replicate and has very unequivocal results. Any reader with access to appropriate equipment is encouraged to reproduce the experiments contained in it themselves.
Despite the many easily replicable experiments to choose from, only a handful of independent replications have occurred, and those replications have been ignored. Here is one such replication.
Opposition on theoretical grounds by the dogmatic quantum physics community appears to be the major factor preventing more widespread replication. The existence of the Hydrino represents a complete disruption of the theoretical status quo. Because of this, Dr. Mills’ empirical work has been almost wholly ignored by the physics community.
This is dereliction of duty. Replication of novel experimental findings is a crucial component of the scientific method. When novel but true experimental results are disregarded because they are inconvenient to the dominant paradigm, science cannot progress.
An additional factor is the implausible sounding nature of the story of BLP and the Hydrino; it appears so preposterously unlikely at first glance that most people dismiss it out of hand. Not helping matters is a lot of negative press that one can easily find via a Google search, including a very negative and biased Wikipedia page whose editors will not permit entry of any of the evidence in Mills’ favor, which includes a list of many dozens of publications in peer-reviewed journals.
That may sound a bit like a conspiracy theory, but it has been the subject of a court case filed by BLP in Mercer County, NJ in 2014 (Docket #L1400-14). If you try to make a factual edit to the Wikipedia entry yourself, you will find, as others have, that the page editors will not permit it.
A point-by-point rebuttal of the misleading BLP entry can be found in our article here.
The scorn and active opposition from the physics community has been a major hindrance to BLP’s efforts to commercialize a Hydrino-based power device. Dr. Mills’ tendency to underestimate the time it takes to engineer a commercially viable device and bring it to market has not helped matters. Between previous failures to deliver and the harsh criticism heaped on Dr. Mills by quantum mechanics supporters, the whole operation looks like a giant scam superficially. It is anything but that.
Despite the seemingly unlikely story, Dr. Mills has quietly amassed a significant group of supporters. This includes many well-credentialed scientists, an advisory board stacked top to bottom with impressive resumes, and a group of wealthy individual and institutional shareholders who have invested about $140m in the company over the last several decades.
How The SunCell Works
The basic premise of the SunCell is quite simple: create a light source that functions as a miniature sun, and wrap it in solar cells capable of capturing very high intensity light.
The Light Source
The current iteration of the light source component of the prototype SunCell, seen in the picture below excerpted from BLP’s most recent business presentation, appears close to commercial viability.
First, let’s review how the light source works. Trace hydrogen and oxygen are flowed into the transparent reaction cell cylinder, which is vacuum pumped to low pressure. Some of the hydrogen and oxygen combine to form isolated water molecules, which serve as the Hydrino catalyst species.
Two molten tin streams powered by electromagnetic pumps intersect and act as electrodes for a low voltage high current which causes the inflowing hydrogen to be catalyzed by the isolated water molecules into the Hydrino state at a very high rate. The extremely energetic reaction causes a very high-intensity light-emitting plasma to form inside the transparent cylinder.
This video from a recent BLP YouTube video demonstrates what the light source looks like in practice:
As seen in the video, the plasma emits very bright light in a spectrum favorable for capture by existing concentrator photovoltaic cell technology (CPV), which can handle very high-intensity light: up to 1,000 times sun intensity.
The fused silica reaction cylinder passes light through it at close to 100% efficiency.
Up until recently the inner surface of the transparent fused silica reaction cylinder would metallize over due to the molten tin electrodes spattering as Hydrino formation occurred. Dr. Mills found a clever solution to this problem, and the reaction chamber remains wholly transparent during operation.
The Solar Cells
The high intensity light source will be surrounded by a dome composed of CPV cells that will capture it and convert it to electricity.
CPV cells are an off-the-shelf technology that has modest market share of the global solar power market. The technology was designed to rely on very high intensity light generated by parabolic mirrors that concentrate large quantities of sunlight onto a very small area, as seen in this photo:
BLP’s light source routes around the main issues with traditional solar power:
The light source is 24/7 instead of intermittent.
The light source is extremely high intensity instead of relatively diffuse.
An engineering drawing of the prototype of BLP’s CPV dome that will be mated to the light source is shown in the most recent BLP business presentation and looks like this:
The back of the CPV cells will be coated with gold or another infrared spectrum reflector and bounce light in wavelengths unfavorable for conversion to electricity back to the reaction chamber, increasing the overall efficiency of the device.
As discussed in this past update from BLP, the measured light output from an earlier prototype is far in excess of input power. The measured output is 1,140 kilowatts (kW) of optical power with just 33.5 kW of input power. This gain of 34 times input power means that even at modest CPV efficiencies, a portion of the electrical output of the CPV array can provide the required ongoing electrical input power.
It is not yet known how much ongoing electrical input power is required to run current through the molten tin electrodes and drive the electromagnetic pumps that circulate the tin. Let’s assume that the figure is 30 kW, which is approximately the figure quoted from this update from BLP on the power gain of the prototype SunCell achieved in March 2022.
Assuming a very conservative CPV conversion factor of 20%, 1,140 kW of light output incident on the CPV array provides 228 kW of gross electrical output power. Subtracting the 30 kW required for ongoing operation, the SunCell would produce a net 198 kW of electrical output under these assumptions.
For frame of reference, the typical US home draws 6 to 12 kW at peak use, and 1 to 3 kW on average.
With further tuning, the plasma-based light output of the SunCell will increase and the required ongoing electrical input power will shrink. At sufficiently high temperatures, the Hydrino reaction becomes self-sustaining, with no on-going electrical input required. Even if a self-sustaining plasma (requiring temperatures that may exceed the tolerances of the SunCell components) is never achieved, BLP’s target of 250 kW of net electrical output seems well within reach.
BLP has not yet integrated the photovoltaic array with the Hydrino-based light source. The video of the light source above does not do justice to the intensity of the light, nor does it represent the maximum output that can be achieved. Dr. Mills has stated that the light and heat output are so intense that one cannot look at it without eye protection nor stand close to the device.
Once the light source is capable of long-duration operation at high power levels and gain, the CPV array will be integrated.
Earlier Videos & Reports
Here is an earlier video from late 2018 which demonstrates how far SunCell engineering has come in the last few years and underscores just how powerful the Hydrino reaction is:
The chief problem BLP has faced is controlling the extremely powerful Hydrino reaction. As mentioned above, it is roughly 200 times more energetic than the combustion of an equivalent amount of hydrogen. The 2018 SunCell prototypes were made of stainless steel. The enormous heat generated by the reaction would cause the steel reactor wall to melt within seconds, as seen in the video.
The most visually impressive video the company has posted is this one from a from 2016:
It shows staggering power output, albeit in an uncontrolled reaction.
A number of validation reports of earlier SunCell prototypes from third parties can be found here. The reports focus on earlier iterations of the SunCell and all show significant excess power output relative to power input, although for technical reasons that power gain was limited.
The most recent validation report by Dr. Mark Nansteel indicates that he found a power gain of 4.22x. Note that this is substantially less than the most recent power gain figures reported by BLP, indicating how rapidly SunCell engineering is progressing.
The EPR Paper
As stated above, Dr. Mills has faced scorn and strong opposition from proponents of the dominant paradigm that has hampered his ability to publish his excellent experimental work in top-tier journals. However, that may soon be changing. Here is a link to a very important paper that has been published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, which is a fairly well-regarded publication.
The lead author is Professor Fred Hagen, a world class expert in the use of an analytical technique called electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Professor Hagen of TU Delft (known as the MIT of Europe) has performed EPR spectroscopy on a Hydrino compound that can now be made on demand by BLP. The paper as a whole is hard for the layperson to interpret, but the punchline is not, as seen here:
“In summary, the present study provides compelling EPR spectroscopic and gas chromatographic evidence for the existence of molecular Hydrino, and, by inference, for the reality of atomic Hydrino, and it provides plausibility of the electron model in GUTCP. In more general terms our results are a significant test against falsification of GUTCP. In view of the possible far-reaching implications of this conclusion for the theory of quantum mechanics, for hydrogen-related chemistry, for astrophysics of dark matter, and for energy transduction and production technology, it is also offered as an urgent invitation to academia at large to repeat and extend the described experiments in lieu of refutation on quantum mechanical theoretical grounds.”3
Hopefully this paper will galvanize the scientific community to begin to engage with Dr. Mills’ work. It is unequivocal in its conclusion and is relatively easily replicated. Furthermore, Dr. Mills has indicated that other reputable institutions have replicated the findings of the EPR paper and plan to publish themselves.
SunCell Economics
The economics of BLP’s SunCell are unprecedented. Yearly spending in the global energy market is currently north of $10 trillion. Not only does a functioning SunCell immediately outcompete all existing forms of energy in decisive fashion, but the decentralized nature and ubiquity of its free fuel mean that electricity usage will skyrocket. There will also be very significant political pressures to adopt the technology as quickly as possible because of its zero-carbon nature.
Widespread forced adoption of the SunCell by many sectors of the economy will occur, for the simple fact that if you exist in an energy-intensive industry and your competitor adopts this technology, you will go out of business if you do not quickly do the same.
For example, around 30% of the total cost of aluminum production is attributable to energy costs. No matter how inexpensively an aluminum producer’s current power provider offers them electricity, BLP will be able to dramatically undercut them. In a commodity business like aluminum production, this means that those producers that adopt BLP’s technology will be able to offer substantially better pricing that simply can’t be matched by those producing without SunCell-derived power.
If BLP’s IP is respected globally, we are talking about a company that could theoretically have trillions in yearly revenue.
One of BLP’s primary assets is the ability to generate intellectual property around the Hydrino reaction and the SunCell, so patent protection has been a key focus of the company. The company has around 120 granted patents in many major energy markets and over 300 patents pending. No other company has any Hydrino-related intellectual property.
Cliff Notes
We’ve covered a lot of ground thus far. Let’s summarize:
There is a reaction previously unknown to science but ubiquitous in nature involving the transition of atomic hydrogen to a lower energy state that Dr. Mills has dubbed Hydrino.
Scientific controversy has kept the Hydrino off most people’s radar. The dominant paradigm of physics says that Hydrino can’t exist. However, there is vast experimental evidence that it does.
This transition of hydrogen to Hydrino produces roughly 200 times the energy of the combustion of hydrogen on a per atom basis.
There is zero pollution and zero carbon production from this reaction.
The only consumed input in the reaction is hydrogen.
Water can be condensed from ambient water vapor inside each SunCell and electrolyzed to produce the required hydrogen: no need to ever refuel.
BLP has IP dominance on all aspects of the Hydrino reaction.
BLP appears close to coming to market with the SunCell, a device relying on the powerful hydrogen to Hydrino reaction.
A commercialized SunCell will enable totally non-polluting and decentralized power production at a cost orders of magnitude below any existing technology: the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) production should be around $0.001 per kWh or less. For frame of reference, the LCOE for a natural gas power plant is around $.05 per kWh.
BLP’s business model is leasing capital equipment: customers will lease the SunCell at a daily rate that will equate to a cost of $0.025 to $0.05 per kWh, which is substantially less expensive than what most consumers of electricity pay.
This decentralized power production model bypasses the need to connect to the energy grid infrastructure owned and operated by the utilities and the associated regulatory burdens that came from distributing centrally generated power.
The 250 kW SunCell is projected to cost around $5,000 to build once manufacturing economies of scale kick in. Ongoing maintenance costs should be minimal.
The SunCell does not have any difficult to manufacture or exotic parts. There are no impediments to spinning up very large SunCell manufacturing capacity.
Around 82,000,000 250 kW SunCells would be sufficient to match the current total yearly global primary energy production of around 180,000 terawatt-hours. At the mature production cost figure of $5,000, this would be only $410 billion in capital cost to upgrade all existing primary energy sources to SunCell power.
Numerous well-credentialed scientists have validated various claims by BLP. The names and reports of many of those scientists can be found here.
The amount of data that Dr. Mills has published in peer-reviewed journals is staggering; the count now exceeds 100 peer-reviewed papers and other publications. Here is a full list of those papers. Those who are skeptical of Dr. Mills’ claims are encouraged to replicate some of the experiments outlined in them.
A commercialized SunCell ushers in a world of zero-pollution, zero-carbon, and zero-marginal cost energy, radically improving living standards the world over.
More Reading
Brilliant Light Power has a wealth of excellent resources on their website. An executive summary of the current state of affairs can be found here.
For those who would like a more in-depth review of this topic, I would suggest reading Brett Holverstott’s book, Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy. Brett is a former employee of BLP and has extensive knowledge about the company and Hydrino science. The book does a great job of making an unbelievable story believable.
Thomas Stolper has also published an excellent book, America's Newton: The Reception of the Work of Randell Mills, in Historical and Contemporary Context. It follows the BLP story from inception to 2008 and has a fascinating backstory that also lends great credibility to the claims of BLP.
Finally, readers interested in this topic may benefit from reading Thomas Kuhn’s book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn’s work shows that the sort of intransigence and obstinacy displayed by the physics community towards Mills’ theory and experimental evidence parallels the standard historical reaction by the proponents of a preceding scientific paradigm to the subsequent scientific paradigm.
A Parting Thought
It is interesting to observe people’s reactions upon hearing extraordinary stories such as this one. Most people, when confronted with difficult subject matter unfamiliar to them, fall back on heuristics to keep their brain from short-circuiting. This is understandable and natural. Unfortunately, in the case of the BLP story, many respond with the age-old reaction of, “this sounds too good to be true, therefore it is not true,” or “if this were really such a big deal, I would have heard about it by now.”
The correct line of thinking should instead be something akin to, “this story sounds unlikely, but if it is true, the impact is so enormous that it warrants moving heaven and earth to find the truth.”
Honest truth-seekers will discover the Hydrino state of hydrogen is real and is the basis for a technological leap poised to disrupt everything on a scale we cannot fathom.
Hydrino is the future, and the future is Brilliant.
T. Stolper, America’s Newton, 1st ed. (Thomas E. Stolper, 2008), p. 3.
H.A. Haus, “On the radiation from point charges,” American Journal of Physics 54(12), 1126–1129 (1986).
W.R. Hagen, and R.L. Mills, “Electron paramagnetic resonance proof for the existence of molecular hydrino,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(56), 23751–23761 (2022).
I don't believe that Dr. Mills has disclosed that yet. He has publicly stated that a number of key engineering solutions are disclosed in patent filings that will be publicly available in November. I would expect the metallization solution to be found in those filings.
I am originally a nuclear physicist, but, haven't practiced my education for many decades. Reading this article brings me back memories.
Covid 19 has exposed science as a rented scientists to produce predetermined results. That is way diffirent from its origin of theories, which can be proven. Political pressures to approve or disapprove science has created a total rejections of anything mainstream for freedom loving people...vaccine that is not a vaccine, and don't prevent the disease, which is reason d'etre?
As a nuclear physicist, I learned that the power it takes to dissociate water into H2, and O2 makes hydrogen fuel too expensive? However, sitting on my desk right now is a water bottle called EchoGO, which generates Hydrogen gas bubbles to hydragenate my water for drinking as some alternative health guy has recommended? My point is the bottle uses insignificant power to produce visible H2 for 5 or 10 minutes straight. The bottle has a USB plug to charge this thing maybe once a month?
However, when we see Elon's rocket comes back and maneuvers itself in the arms of its launching pad? That tells us when real money and smart people work to achieve a task, they most likely succeed.
NASA used the Russians rockets to send and bring back our astrastronauts for more than a decade. Billions are wasted on NASSA, until Elon came along with a handful of scientists and a BURNING DESIRE to succeed.
So, for Dr. Mills, I suggest selling the company to Elon Musk, and watch your dream materialized in one year. Even if you keep 10% ownership, you will still be rich, and the whole world will be greatful to you and Elon.