Excellent writing on a challenging topic! I am involved in two other areas where novel paradigm changing discoveries are meeting similar resistance from entrenched interests, and the battles are epic. The opponents employ slander, manipulation and gaslighting as their primary weapons, because their science has failed to be valid. History also has many examples, and I believe we will win with efforts such as this that can clearly explain the facts. Very well done.
It’s great to see Dr Phillips putting his head above the parapet, my feeling is that other disciplines such as electrical engineering and chemistry will have to drag physics out of the dark ages created by the cult of math over physical models which is utter madness.
"As one of the inventors of QED {part of the standard model of Quantum Mechanics}, I remember that we thought of QED in 1949 as a temporary and jerry-built structure, with mathematical inconsistencies and renormalised infinities swept under the rug. We did not expect it to last more than 10 years before some more solidly built theory would replace it. Now, 57 years have gone by and that ramshackle structure still stands."
Freeman Dyson
It lasted because they had nothing better. Then, generations of students received it as wisdom and passed it on. The people who originated SQM were all dead by the time the classical approach finally matured and like epicycles, the system had been refined (kludged) to give (ridiculously) precise results. People literally forgot what a theory is supposed to do and be.
Excellent introduction to the GUTCP! I have been following the BLP “story” for many years, and have “very own” copy of the GUTCP!
What is needed now is simple to say… not so simple to do:
Build and supply, to a third-party costumer, just *one* stand-alone device that does something useful.
Until this happens, the world will be “stuck” in a “fossil fuel” morass forever.
(My idea… Build an electrical power generator that is “plug-compatible” with existing solar power cells. These systems are inherently “fault tolerant” since Sun cells do not work well on cloudy days and do not work at all at night.)
Once a *product* is in the hands of *actual customers* the future will, indeed, be BRILLIANT!
It is hard to know how this might unfold. Certainly, Dr. Mills has made valiant efforts to provide evidence to support his theory, which would have probably been embraced by the scientists who dominated the world when SQM was not yet embedded as dogma into academia. He certainly didn't approach this matter as a way to make a killing, but that now appears to be (at least to him) to be the only way to overcome the institutional rot that now proclaims an end to science. See Sabine Hossenfelder's video: https://youtu.be/KW4yBSV4U38?si=cACyBSdUesW6G78i
Excellent writing on a challenging topic! I am involved in two other areas where novel paradigm changing discoveries are meeting similar resistance from entrenched interests, and the battles are epic. The opponents employ slander, manipulation and gaslighting as their primary weapons, because their science has failed to be valid. History also has many examples, and I believe we will win with efforts such as this that can clearly explain the facts. Very well done.
It’s great to see Dr Phillips putting his head above the parapet, my feeling is that other disciplines such as electrical engineering and chemistry will have to drag physics out of the dark ages created by the cult of math over physical models which is utter madness.
"As one of the inventors of QED {part of the standard model of Quantum Mechanics}, I remember that we thought of QED in 1949 as a temporary and jerry-built structure, with mathematical inconsistencies and renormalised infinities swept under the rug. We did not expect it to last more than 10 years before some more solidly built theory would replace it. Now, 57 years have gone by and that ramshackle structure still stands."
Freeman Dyson
It lasted because they had nothing better. Then, generations of students received it as wisdom and passed it on. The people who originated SQM were all dead by the time the classical approach finally matured and like epicycles, the system had been refined (kludged) to give (ridiculously) precise results. People literally forgot what a theory is supposed to do and be.
Excellent introduction to the GUTCP! I have been following the BLP “story” for many years, and have “very own” copy of the GUTCP!
What is needed now is simple to say… not so simple to do:
Build and supply, to a third-party costumer, just *one* stand-alone device that does something useful.
Until this happens, the world will be “stuck” in a “fossil fuel” morass forever.
(My idea… Build an electrical power generator that is “plug-compatible” with existing solar power cells. These systems are inherently “fault tolerant” since Sun cells do not work well on cloudy days and do not work at all at night.)
Once a *product* is in the hands of *actual customers* the future will, indeed, be BRILLIANT!
It is hard to know how this might unfold. Certainly, Dr. Mills has made valiant efforts to provide evidence to support his theory, which would have probably been embraced by the scientists who dominated the world when SQM was not yet embedded as dogma into academia. He certainly didn't approach this matter as a way to make a killing, but that now appears to be (at least to him) to be the only way to overcome the institutional rot that now proclaims an end to science. See Sabine Hossenfelder's video: https://youtu.be/KW4yBSV4U38?si=cACyBSdUesW6G78i