Is Randy having n investors meeting this April John Cusenza

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"At the time, nuclear fusion was poised to reach commercialization in 30 years. I believe it is now only 40 years in the future."

The surge of privately financed fusion startups has changed this trend.

But your ironic comment still held back when Bussard and I were attempting to privatize the fusion program:


subsequent to our coalition's successful passage of a law banning NASA from competing with private launch service providers:


At one point during this period of political activism, Andrew Cutler, a Princeton PhD physical chemist who was instrumental in the space legislation, noticed, with similar irony, a trend in NASA's projections which, if extrapolated backwards in time, would have indicated the Nazis had colonized the moon in the mid-1940s.

Few realize how much damage the Manhattan Project did to both science and technology by over-extending bureaucratic authority in those important areas of civilization.

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